
App Prototype



What is C.Learn?

C.LEARN is an app prototype that was created as a part of social good initiative. C.LEARN’s main goal is to help immigrants, foreign students, and other newcomers get a quick grasp of Canadian culture.

Problem & Solution

Most of the foreigners arriving to Canada face difficulties with their social and cultural integration. Being busy with, what it seems, more important business, people often overlook learning about the culture and socializing.

Smartphone application with welcoming user experience and easy-to-use features may eliminate initial anxiety after arriving in a new country. C.LEARN serves as an educational and informative tool that connects people of all ages through social interactions and gamification aspect of the app.


After conducting research and considering possible solutions, a need for a few particular features became apparent. This led to a next step of creating a simple flowchart outlining basic app structure.


Having fleshed out a carcass of the app building low fidelity wireframes came next. Being able to work on a layout and flow without getting too concerned with graphics has allowed for experimentation and improvement of user experience.

Key pages:

- Local events
- History
- Pages
- Languages and culture
- Chat


C.LEARN’s logo is a simple and clean logo mark that focuses on conveying educational and cultural aspects of the app. Color palette includes complimentary green and red, as well as white colors to reinforce the association with Canadian culture.

Final Screens

Final prototype consists of 46 screens including login, onboarding, home page and 5 other sections. There is also a screencast below that showcases user’s journey.


It was decided to create two different versions of mobile Facebook ads: one using the illustration style from the app and another which shows an app being used by a person. The idea is to target a different audience by using different styles and slightly different messaging.